System Management

2024-03-13 11:23:27 安益达船务 198


Our system was established on January 1, 2012, the latest edition is 2.0. In 2012, the company obtained the Document of Compliance of Hong Kong flag ships, and then, obtained the Document of Compliance of Panama flag and Marshallese flag, etc. At present, the operation is in good condition.


The QSMS management reviews in every years shows that the defects in the ship PSC inspections, Flag State inspections, SIRE inspections, and Rightship inspections are good controlled. The ship management budget is well controlled, the fleet KP1 are up to standard, and the system is in continuous and effective operation.


The company attaches great importance to information management, the crew management system and supplier management system developed by the company have been used for many years, and the ship management system and electronic chart management system are currently being used to further improve office efficiency.

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